Setup Sftp Windows 2012 R2


Windows Server 2012, codenamed “Windows Server 8″, is the sixth release of Windows Server. It is the server version of Windows 8 and succeeds Windows Server 2008 R2. Two pre-release versions, a developer preview and a beta version, were released during development. The software was generally available to customers starting on September 4, 2012. Setup FileZilla Server Passive Ports on Windows Server 2012. I prefer to use FileZilla FTP Server above the traditional IIS FTP module. FileZilla comes with a lite and lean GUI, great logging tools, connection (speed)limits and more. Steps to Install and Configure FTP on Windows 2012 R2 Server 1) Let us install the web service (IIS) role first. Open server manager and select Add Roles and Features. Click Next and select Role-based installation, to install any roles or features on Windows 2012 R2 server this should be selected. Does Windows Server 2012 R2 have native SFTP support? I see a role FTP Server but it doesn't say whether this includes SFTP. Is IIS SFTP natively supported by Windows Server 2012 R2? Ask Question Asked 4 years, 10 months ago. Active 1 year. See this link for a quick guide on how to configure that. – HopelessN00b Dec 3 '14 at 14:01.

Active1 year, 2 months ago

Does Windows Server 2012 R2 have native SFTP support?

I see a role FTP Server but it doesn't say whether this includes SFTP.

Itai Ganot
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2 Answers

Microsoft IIS server does not support SFTP (or SSH) at all, on any version of IIS or Windows.

IIS supports secure FTP (FTPS or FTP over TLS/SSL) though. It's a different (incompatible) protocol than SFTP, but most 'FTP' clients support both SFTP and FTPS.

When setting up an FTPS server, make sure you disable plain (unencrypted) FTP!

See (my) guide on Installing Secure FTP Server on Windows using IIS.

Microsoft recently released OpenSSH for Windows (Releases and Downloads). It's now available as optional feature on Windows 10 version 1803 and newer. It can also be manually installed on older versions of Windows.

I have prepared a guide for setting up SSH/SFTP server on Windows using this Microsoft build of OpenSSH.

Martin PrikrylMartin Prikryl

No. Microsoft offers an FTP over SSL (FTPS) solution but does not currently provide a solution for securing FTP traffic using FTP over SSH (SFTP)


Setup Sftp Windows Server 2012 R2

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Windows 2012 Sftp Server

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