Copying Folders In Windows 7

Sep 10, 2009  Copying and Moving Files and Folders. Sometimes you will need to move a file from one folder to another, or copy a file from one folder to another, leaving the file in the first location and placing a copy of it in the second. You can move or copy a file or folder using a variety of methods. When copying files in Windows 7 / 8 / 10, the clipboard (temporary storage) contains multiple versions of the same information. That's you can paste formatted text in Notepad: it converts it to plain text, without any kind of formatting or images. How to transfer programs and files from Windows 7 to a new Windows 10 PC. Programs, such as transferring Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop, Quickbooks, TurboTax, Firefox, Chrome, and other programs to the new computer Note: this guide relates to a transfer from one computer to another computer running Windows 10. This is a demonstration on how to copy files from one folder directory to another folder directory or a removable drive (external hard drive or flash drive). If you have any questions or comments.

Jul 03, 2019  Easier Way to Copy Files in Windows 7/8/10. With covered two methods, it is quite easy to copy files in Windows 7 with command line. Nevertheless, those methods are convenient for some special groups of Windows users who are familiar with command line operations. For the majority of users, that is a little complex.

Here at geek central, we’re in the business of making things as easy as possible. There’s a registry hack for Windows that will let you add a Copy To Folder or Move To Folder to the right-click menu, which can be very useful when you want to move a file but don’t have the other folder open already.

Copying windows to new drive

Right-click on a file:

And up pops a nice dialog that you can use to easily drop a file into the right directory.


Just download, unzip, and double-click on the registry files. You can choose to use the copy to, move to, or both.

Note: We’ve written about the manual way to do this before. This tip has been around for many years and also works on Windows XP.

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Active1 year, 1 month ago

I can no longer copy or move files with Windows Explorer. This affects local drives as well as network drives. Neither Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V nor drag and drop works. I don't get any response from Explorer; it just does nothing.

No system extensions or any tools were installed since yesterday when it was still working as usual.

I've restarted explorer.exe and have tried rebooting the PC, but neither of these helped. I can successfully move the desired files on the network drive from a different PC.

Creating and renaming new files/folders works, as does deleting.

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MartinMartinCopying Folders In Windows 7
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5 Answers

I found out what was wrong:

The PC has Tera Copy installed, but the installation folder was empty. System integration was still active, but Tera Copy could not work any more. I reinstalled it and it now works again.

16.5k11 gold badges51 silver badges66 bronze badges
2,6743 gold badges19 silver badges24 bronze badges

Try killing your explorer.exe processes and starting a new one with task Manager.

If that doesn't sort it out try restarting your machine.

9,9194 gold badges30 silver badges56 bronze badges

I had the simililar situation here. In my special case it was a 'bad keyboard' which always pressed 'shift'.

In this case, I am asking you how in detail the situation is, when you're working with:

  1. CTRL + ALT + DEL
  2. Taskmanager > Explorer.exe > Kill > OK
  3. Taskmanager > Process > Start new > 'Explorer.exe' > OK
  4. WIN+E (press on keyboard) to start Explorer
  5. Mark some files on 'C:'
  6. Explorer menu > Edit > Copy
  7. Explorer menu > Edit > Paste

how does it looks like on every step?

3631 gold badge5 silver badges18 bronze badges

Maybe the following setting has been changed. Open the Internet Explorer and then go to

Tools>Internet options>security>custom level and under miscellaneous see that 'Drag and drop or copy and paste' is checked enable.

Cannot Move Folders In Windows 7


Copying Folders In Windows 7 Professional

13.5k14 gold badges53 silver badges95 bronze badges

It's an odd problem but it has been happening quite a bit in Windows 7 lately (a bad patch at some point?).

Since you ARE able to copy from one system to another it seems like some sort of memory management issue on your system, and the computer isn't copying the document/folder/file to temporary memory before transfering it to the new location correctly. Meanwhile, when copying to/from a remote system, it's possible that the temporary files are stored differently.

There may be a 'defective' system file that's causing the issues; try running:

Remember that you must be administrator to run this tool.

If that still doesn't get you anything, try disabling Aero and then try copying the files. To disable aero, open Control Panel and type in Aero in the top-right corner search box. This will come up with an option to 'enable/disable glass on windows'.


Copy Folders In Command Prompt Windows 7

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My Downloads Folder Windows 10

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Unable To Move Folders In Windows 7

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