Conquest Frontier Wars Download

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Conquest: Frontier Wars is a real-time strategy game released in 2001 by Ubisoft and Fever Pitch Studios.A good amount of the development was done at Digital Anvil in Austin, Texas, a startup developer originally owned by Chris Roberts, Erin Roberts, Eric Peterson, John Miles, Tony Zurovec, Marten Davies and Robert Rodriguez. Once Microsoft purchased Digital Anvil, Eric Peterson and Tom Mauer. Download full Conquest: Frontier Wars: Download (522 MB) Conquest: Frontier Wars screenshots: Much like StarCraft, the main focus of Conquest: Frontier Wars is on harvesting raw materials for resources, building and developing an infrastructure in the form of ships, structures, and technology, and real-time tactical combat. Managing forces in. Extract the file using Winrar. (Download Winrar) Open “Conquest – Frontier Wars” folder, double click on “Setup” and install it. After installation complete, go to the folder where you install the game. Open folder, double click on “Conquest” icon to play the game. Conquest Frontier Wars Game Free Download Conquest Frontier Wars Game Free Download Conquest Frontier Wars Game Free Download Conquest Frontier Wars Game For PC File Size: 451MB Conquest Frontier Wars Game System Requirements: OS: Windows XP, Windows 7/ Vista, Windows 8 RAM: 256MB VGA Card Memory: 32MB CPU: Intel Pentium III @ 800MHz Hard Free.

Developer:Fever Pitch Studios
Genres:Strategy / Real-Time Strategy
Release Date:August 18, 2001
Game Modes:Singleplayer / Multiplayer

Space really was somewhat of a final frontier for real-time strategy game designers. After all, it’s not easy implementing a medium that lets you move in any direction into a genre that is traditionally set on a horizontal plane with a top-down view of the action. Homeworld tried and succeeded in bringing space to strategy fans, but it was way short of your typical C&C romp set in zero gravity. The game had a ton of flair and originality, assets which, though present in Ubisoft’s more grounded Conquest: Frontier Wars, won’t be found in as ample supply.

Conquest, unlike Homeworld, really is a C&C romp in space – you will be mining and refining resources, upgrading your various capabilities, dishing out standing orders and waypoints, researching new technologies, and so on. Conquest’s several twists on that familiar foundation stem from its deep-space setting — you can’t build just anywhere, for example. Your base structures can be built only around planets. An important element of strategy is added by the fact that each level is divided into separate sectors separated by wormholes. Building and defending jumpgates that link them is critical, as gates allow your ships and supply lines to extend from one sector to another.

Other neat original elements include the ability to assign unit leaders to your fleets, which confer tactical bonuses to forces under their command (providing you can keep them alive, of course), and a special emphasis on supplies (ships actually run out of ammo and have to return to base to re-arm, unless you have a mobile supply ship in the vicinity). Also, in an apparent nod to the genre’s turn-based older brother, there’s an added element called “Command Points”; these determine how many ships and structures you can manage at any one time, regardless of how resource-rich you may be. Command points are essentially a third resource aside from ore and gas, so they should be a welcome addition to the more hardcore types who really like to burrow into the construction side of these games.

Conquest’s graphics have a fine look, but like games of this type (i.e., 3D), it’s hard to find a good compromise view — to really appreciate the look of the ships and structures, you have to zoom in beyond a point that’s of much use tactically. When you’ve zoomed out enough to let you effectively dictate a battle, the graphics look barely average. The game as a whole does have its moments, though it’s not particularily interesting, and halway in you get that nagging feeling that you’d probably have more fun playing StarCraft.

System Requirements: Pentium II 350 MHz, 64 MB RAM, Win95

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Tags: Full Download Conquest Frontier Wars PC Game Review

By Corey Stoneburner |

It's been a while since I've been legitimately excited or enthused about a real-time strategy game. There's just been so many sub par titles as of late that it at times seemed as if that genre were defunct. Ever since Starcraft there have been the occasional squad-based tactical strategy games such as MechCommnader 2 that have come and gone and left a sweet impression, but for the most part, everything in terms of resource gathering and base building has been generally lackluster or uninspired. I felt that even the mighty Dune, pretty as it may have been, was essentially just a rehash of old concepts.

It seems as if the boys and girls over at Fever Pitch Studios, formerly of Digital Anvil, have been feeling the exact same way for around four years now. Yes, Conquest has been in development since even before the creation of its former home, Digital Anvil. It's clear that the years have been well spent honing, fine tuning, and generally polishing a highly impressive game, that, while taking the genre to several new levels, still retains the essentials that made playing these games so enjoyable in the first place.

It's the future (probably where all the spaceships and stuff come from) and Terrans, in their trek across the stars, have stumbled onto an alien race's civil war. The war raging from within the boundaries of the Mantis, a race of evolved insects hailing from the planet Chut, is spilling over in a big way onto us lowly humans. Caught up in the fight, we find ourselves allying with a race of pure energy housed in robotic suits of armor known as the Celarons. Seems we're not the only ones who would be a bit miffed by a horde of insects ravaging our world and turning our populace into paste. But will this uneasy alliance between such different races last, or will the Mantis conquer our worlds and be successful in packaging us into a spreadable cream for use on Mantis crackers? The campaign only follows the exploits of the humans, but isn't lacking for it, and is interspersed by very well developed cutscenes (a favorite of mine being the first of the marine campaign that depicts a squad of marines infiltrating a mantis facility in an attempt to rescue a high ranking official). The campaign is also well plotted. Every completed mission takes a spot in a greater connect the dots style map. From this map it is possible to replay and re-watch all previously beaten levels and opened cutscenes.

Taking a bow to Star Trek Armada, Conquest's engine is one of zoomable, rotatable 3D graphics placed upon a 2D plane. While at first glance the space, and general visual style of Conquest may seem a bit lax on the flash and candy, devoid of activity, the game, while not the pinnacle of visual achievement, is chalked full of an immense amount of subtlety, polish, and panache. For one, the 3D engine on a 2D plane allows for some truly grand, and still manageable firefights that feature dozens upon dozens upon dozens of units blasting away at one another. Not just block amalgamations of polygons and textures, the units themselves glow with workmanship only patience, talent, and four years time could create. In addition to the straight out-of-the-box visual appeal (textures, polygons) the units also feature real-time battle damage. No longer will you be delegated to checking sustained damage via bar indicators (though this is of course still possible); your vessels can now be quickly identified as, healthy, poor, or going to die based solely upon the splotches of flames that decorate their hulls, something that adds a lot of personality and character to the game. It's actually kind of emotional throwing a small fleet of battleships at the enemy and having a few of the veterans barely crawl away victorious, beaten and battered. It places a greater sense of urgency on getting them to the repair bay. Your vessel can only take so many hits and so many scars though. Eventually the well detailed weapon effects, such as swarms of missiles and powerful laser blasts will take their toll upon your ship and the whole thing will explode into a bunch of chunks and particles (pretty impressive considering the sheer amount of units that can be on screen at any given time). Buildings are as equally detailed, but also feature slick under-construction animations for both units and the structures themselves.

Not all is well in Wonderland though, as it can sometimes be frustratingly hard trying to distinguish between buildings and units as they all kind of blend together. I also noticed that the underlying sprite layer (the space backdrop), can be pretty fuzzed, comprised of bad color banding, low-res graphics, and a generally blurry look. The game, while not quite as flashy on the surface as some other titles, is still graphically impressive enough to be appreciated.

Audio is comprised of your typical slew of laser and blast effects and some music of a Starship Troopers, militaristic theme. Both are appropriate and never annoying. Some of the voices are a bit suspect at times, (not exactly Oscar material), but they are of the higher echelon when it comes to the world of gaming.

In terms of gameplay, Conquest comes packed with an assortment of features that make other RTS games classics when implemented and bomb titles when neglected...

Unit selection allows for group assignments; adding to, and subtracting from groups; double tapping to center your view on a selected group; and mass repair and resupply. Unfortunately a multiple grouping technique present in Starcraft that allows the player to group one unit to two or more separate groups and still retain all of the assignments has been omitted. I am hopeful that a future patch release will remedy this, but nothing has been mentioned, so don't hold your breath.

Other standards include workable stances (idle, attack on sight, escort, patrol, etc.), an easy to deploy waypoint system (simply hold shift and click away on either the map or the main activity screen), and the easy setting of rally points. Like Starcraft, Conquest necessitates that the player construct units by selecting their respective associated structures. However, there is also a hot key button by which you can cycle through all available building options. You can then set both individual units as well as this hotkey to allow rally points.

Conquest Frontier Wars Download

Base construction and resource gathering are akin to Starcraft, only with a twist. Like the aforementioned classic RTS, you must mine more than one form of resource, in this case gas, crew, and ore, as well as adhering to the inherent unit limit imposed by the map (which Conquest refers to command points). Ore, crew, and gas come in harvestable forms from asteroids, planets, and nebulae. See, the entire pertinent base building schema (aside from jumpgates, turrets and things of this nature) takes place entirely around planets. Each planet is awarded points in terms of ore, gas, and crew and also has a set number of cells that run a ring around the equator. These cells accommodate buildings (some taking one cell, some two or more). Once a planet's building allotment has been filled, you must go and find another planet.

This adds several aspects of play to the genre... It centralizes gameplay around critical points and decreases the amount of searching players have to do for their stuff. Even with this centralization, it will often become difficult to ascertain which buildings are around which planets, and which buildings you've already built. Novices will often find themselves creating repeat structures, as I did early on in the game. But a good rule of thumb to prevent just this is to simply check which the prerequisites in the structure menu (obviously if you can build a structure that requires something before it, you already have that something built).

It's not all a cookie cutter features set though, Conquest has three fundamental features to its design going for it that boost both its allure and originality factor. For one, there is now a fleet system in place. What this means is that instead of individually controlling every single unit in the game, you can now assign an admiral to a fleet of vessels. This admiral, depending on his or her own personality traits, will effectively command your fleet both against the opposition.

Why is this useful? Well, when you normally order your ships to attack the enemy they'll attack the one pointed at, but then will clumsily find their next target unless specifically ordered otherwise, thankfully your enemy will fall under these same rules (no perfect computer cheating here). With an admiral (whom will take command of the largest ship in the fleet, so watch that one), on the other hand, your fleets will now react intelligently to the opposition, prioritizing targets, covering one another, and falling back when applicable. Just drop them in a zone, give them a general order, and watch them go, allowing you to focus your attention elsewhere. The fleet system is a welcome addition to the genre and surprisingly doesn't over complicate things at all. The simplistic method by which admirals are assigned, deployed, and managed greatly accentuate the underlying experience.

Next on the line of genre additions is the multiple map functionality of the game. Another aspect that on paper would seem like a rather cumbersome thing to manage, but when implemented is pulled off beautifully. The game is basically broken down into systems that are interconnected via wormholes (a two way door connecting one map to another). Any given map can have multiple wormholes and can be simultaneously connected to multiple maps. The systems themselves also range from ridiculously small sizes, to fairly large areas. Navigating between systems is a surprisingly simple and well thought out affair. On the HUD, in addition to the map of the current system which you are viewing, there lies a map of conveying the systems and their connections to one another (only revealed as you explore said systems). This connected dots setup efficiently allows the viewing and transfer of units to other systems by simply clicking the desired target system and sending your units there (or clicking on the wormhole itself). Thankfully, when a group is told to make the inter-system jump they will all gather at the mouth of the wormhole. Once all units have arrived, they only then simultaneously jump to the desired system. This is a small but welcome touch, as sending your guys through one by one would spell certain death.

The last truly innovative feature of the game is its workable supply line functionality. Every map starts out with a home base for your race; you can then extend into other maps and systems via the previously touched upon wormholes, but without other headquarters established in these colonized systems you will be unable to have access to supplies coming in and out of your headquarters (thus any supply platforms and repair platforms will be useless). In order to establish a supply line you can, as mentioned, either build an entirely new headquarters in each system you explore, or connect these systems to your home system via constructing jumpgates atop the wormholes themselves (which has the added bonus of preventing your enemies from using the wormhole). This will become a necessity as its impractical and unwise to ferry an attack and mining group six systems away all the way back to your home base when damaged or in need of supply.

So what's all this resupplying of vessels all about? Every warship, in addition to its standard damage rating, has a limited quantity of ammunition that must be replenished. This is accomplished through either maneuvering your ships within the radius of a supply depot: a planetary confined structure that must have a working supply line to the home system in order to be functional. Or, by way of supply ships, whom resupply their own stock via these same depots. Supply ships can be fully controlled or fully automated, though the automation feature will simply cause the ship, once its spent its stock, to resupply itself and return to a predefined destination. Supplying, adds an incredible amount of tactics onto the genre. Instead of a direct assault you can try and cut a persons supply lines off and pick them from the inside though out. Though the management and establishment of supply ships and depots can be a rather tedious task, it is well worth the gameplay benefits tacked onto the genre.

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Don't curl up in a ball just yet. Even if you're not Einstein, the game is easily playable as a host of visual and aural clues will inform you as to the happenings of the world, and unlike most games, the interface and design here actually work to assist the player and not hamper him.

Surprisingly enough, all of these additions, and changes come together remarkably well and make for quite the ride. There is a bit of a steeper learning curve tacked onto the title than there is with most other RTS games, but the extra few days needed to learn the in and outs are well worth the benefits. Definitely a must for anyone into the RTS scene, and still easily a game worth checking out for gamers the world over.

-- Ivan Sulic

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